uganda update
apparently the cease fire has held so far, though both sides seem a bit untrusting. here's the most recent news. article
Posted in: on Thursday, August 31, 2006 at at 11:42 AM 1 comments
apparently the cease fire has held so far, though both sides seem a bit untrusting. here's the most recent news. article
Posted in: on Thursday, August 31, 2006 at at 11:42 AM 1 comments
for those of you who know about the "invisible children" hopefully you've seen the news from uganda by now. if you dont know about them then check out the link (up and to the right). for nearly 20 years the Lords Resistance Army has been kidnapping children in northern uganda and brutally forcing them into their service (check out or wikapedia it for a more thorough run down on their methods). After an agreement between LRA and government leaders the rebels have been given 3 weeks to gather at safe areas in southern sudan. i will be following the outcome of this closely but for the sake of the kids and everyone else involved please pray that this is truly the conclusion of a horrific war. article
Posted in: on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at at 12:29 PM 0 comments
once upon a time, a few years back, there were two roomates. they were inseprable. we combined there names into one. lerin, or erilie if you'd like. they lived in the kitchen dormitory of wake forest university and late one night in their room an idea formed between them and friends. it was mad genius, and filled with the spirit of friendship. it came to be known as the stabilla, or 'billa. it was the vehicle for the spread of friendship. it would carry on through the ages...etc.,etc.,etc. if you want the rest of the story let me know. if not merely witness the first 'billa beach weekend of hopefully many 'billa events to come:
seriously one of the most amazing weekends ever. surfing, music, stars, kayaks, bocce ball, 2.5 tons of cookies, a majority of the world's most amazing people(not exaggerating), and pawley's island(who's motto is arrogantly shabby in case you were wondering). in a nutshell: pure friendship. words really can't describe it. stabilla.
Posted in: on Sunday, August 27, 2006 at at 10:29 PM 0 comments
pluto's not a planet anymore? check out the story on cnn. apparntly everyone on the former planet cried when it was demoted to dwarf planet status, along with school science teachers who already had lesson plans set to go with the regular 9 planet scenario.
Posted in: on Friday, August 25, 2006 at at 10:17 AM 1 comments
i've yet to see the movie itself but is amazing. samuel l. himself will make a phone call for you. give the site a friends number and you can personalize a message that a recorded sam will deliver. it's phenomenal. and hilarious. samuel l. i know you're reading this and i just want to let you know that you are a big timer. twice.
Posted in: on Thursday, August 24, 2006 at at 4:17 PM 0 comments
so i have finally made it home to the 'ville and am spending a few days with my parents and my grandfather, who is flying in today. last night i sat down with the parents to watch the BBC version of jane austin's persuasion. it was interesting. i love jane austin, and i enjoy persuasion, but for some reason i wasnt too excited about whatching the movie. then i realized that it was because it wasnt pretty. now i say this as an overall blanket statement with regards to the camera work, the sets, and the cast. not that they were poor, but just not top quality. i think the part that threw me off the most was the cast. lets be honest, and i will quote andrea here, i dont want to watch ugly people on tv. we're so used to pretty people on television. and i guess it makes sense. we all have a little bit of ADD in us and so our attentions will be captured by whatever its the most pretty attractive thing around. and when that is the cast of the movie we are going to be watching the movie, and if, like i did last night, you realize that when you read the book you had pictured much different and prettier characters then you may have to stop watching the movie and go back to a book because it has a stronger draw. yes its sad, but i tried to stay interested and in the end my parents and i decided we would have to wade through the rest of the movie another night. so, you can say that i'm a terrible person or you can just agree with me that you're probably the same way and that we're all just a bit desensitized by tv and are a little more shallow because of it.
Posted in: on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 at at 11:13 AM 0 comments
so i just realized the other day as i was on my way from hamilton, just north of boston, to a little airport just over into new hampshire that this summer has been, as far as i can remember, the most travel filled of my life. really thats all i want to say in this post. that and to drop a fun number out there. 28. twenty eight. as we were driving to that airport i pulled out an atlas and began counting. 28. thats a few over half of 50. so based on that i have been in over half of the states of our country this summer. yep, 28 states. for some reason i really enjoy that. (i promise a less silly post soon.)
Posted in: on Friday, August 18, 2006 at at 2:35 AM 1 comments
It's kind of phenominal
Posted in: on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at at 2:36 AM 2 comments
i had a couple of songs that i started. one is a typical "i like god" song and the other is a "its really hard to follow him sometimes" song. i liked them both and recorded them at the same time...and didnt ever get the chance to finish them yet. maybe i'll have a random stroke of creativity and finish at some point. till then they are recorded together on the myspace music site. probably a couple more new ones on the way too as soon as i get the chance to record them.
Posted in: on at at 2:08 AM 0 comments
i am sorry. i know that there are hundreds of you out there thinking "why did kevin stop posting?" i will now end your suspense. i have been at camp for the past month or so and away from the convenience of internet use. as it has been a month i cannot begin to catch you up in one posting on the happenings here and the ways that god has been moving at camp oak hill. god is a big timer though and i like him a lot. i just looked back on my blog from before my western road trip and read where i wrote that i wanted to be reawakened to the joy's of life. i think this summer may have done it. the trip having been amazing and me still trying to capture it in one journaled summary, here at camp hanging out with an amazing staff and kids, looking forward to a trip to boston next week, a visit with my grandfather, a wonderful group of friends at the beach, and maybe a job in boulder colorado next year, and yet even with all of this i am enjoying each day more and more; living life more in the moment that in a long while and not trying to escape it. god is good, and as paul tells titus god does not lie. i dont know if that really means anything...other than that he just doesnt. its random and you should read it. its in his greeting to titus...and its a little out of place...hes just writing along saying hi and then throws in god doesnt lie. i love it. its just "oh by the way, god doesnt lie". try it sometime...just throw it out there...random facts about god to whoever you happen to be talking to.
thats all for now, peace,
Posted in: on Thursday, August 10, 2006 at at 12:28 PM 1 comments
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