so here's an interesting story

one time long long ago....i think i was in my first or second year of college....i decided that when i got my first real job i would buy, with my first paycheck, a kayak. amusingly, i remembered this semi-pact with myself a few days ago and ironically i am in the midst of training for my job and waiting patiently for said first pay check. so now i have a dilemma. do i in fact go through with said decision made so many years ago? i'm debating but at this point i think it could be amusing. i mean i always thought they would be pretty pricey but in fact they really arent too bad. so anyway....i'll let you know how this story ends as soon as it comes to one. until then here are the options: a pyranha and a wavesport...clearly both very similar.


i am happy. it's becoming one of my favorite seasons. i'll tell you how i know. even with winston's fluxuating weather patterns durring the months when summer goes winter and vice versa, there is one day when to me fall has arrived. the other day i arrived home and exited my car to the scent of fall. someone somewhere in this town has started a fire. the scent of a fire while driving along is one of life's subtle but great pleasures. and the first wiff on a brisk fall evening really gets me. it's a sign that jackets will start coming out of the closet, scarves are on the way, fuzzy little hats and all those wonderful wintery clothing accesories. now its not just the clothes that do it for me. this whole weather change means that people are about to start being festive. we americans may drop the ball on having legit holidays all year round like some countries but we really get going come this time of year. i mean the pumpkins are out, shortly followed by thanksgiving, which is quickly moved right on through in search of christmas, which is followed closely by new years to kind of start weaning us out of holiday mode, then valentine's day for those of us who didnt quite get the holidays out of our system with they other four. and finally easter to hold us over until the next time round. now there are a few others and there is the 4th as kind of a kind of a midway marker but these are the ones that create...well stress in some cases, but in others they create giving and lots of hanging out with friends and fam. and i am all for those. anyway, before i keep rambling off into lala land. i, clearly, was very happy at the scent of someone's little bonfire somewhere off in "the dash" the other night. it signaled the start of....sigh. plus i really freaking just enjoy that smell.


monday i start training for my job. i get to live in charlotte for two weeks because thats where the headquarters are for the portrait studio. they're putting us up in a really sweet extended stay hotel that from the pictures looks a lot like my apartment. i'm kind of excited about that. i am also very excited about doing something. anything really. i have wasted the past week of my life sitting around here on the computer/watching movies, which sounds nice but after a know that feeling in high school at the end of the summer when you're sitting there like "hmm, yep i've done everything i can think of to do...i really can't wait for school to start back so i can be on a schedule." that's where i am. it's been an amazing summer/beginning of fall but at this point i need to be on a schedule...oh yeah and making money because i don't have any (part of the reason i sit around the apt, because if i don't go out i won't have to pay for stuff). anyway, i am looking forward to some interesting times in the queen city.

let me just reiterate that the place we are staying is really awesome. not only does it look like my apt but we get lots of free meals, free internet(unheard of in todays hotels), free laundry, there's a freaking kitchen in the suites. i'm sure there's more, oh and don't have to pay for any of it. i'm so amused by the small things.


i guess maybe i'm tired of my colors and background and stuff...which is evident in the fact that i keep changing things up on the blog. so if it looks different every time you happen by don't worry. i'll stick with something soon. maybe.

ps:thanks for visiting!

juengelberries and candy corn

sorry if i jumped the gun with the candy corn background...maybe i'll wait till its actually halloween and then try it again. also: juengel's cd is on itunes

a post about stuff...

lets not lie...that title makes this sound like the most directionless post ever...but its not. it really is a post about stuff. like things. like i was reading the Lewis blog and noticed a verse from the bible directing us not to store up treasure on earth where they can be destroyed and stolen. i'm wondering about the verse and what it is telling me. is it telling me not to have stuff. to live without things or nice things anyway. or is it saying that the things i do have are not to be my treasure. and if i dont treat them as treasure, if i assign to them a proper value is it ok to have them? if my treasure is things that will not pass away, friends, family, relationships that one would assume carry into the life we live after this? if my treasures are things of real value and not the nice stuff here?

my thoughts: i have always felt that i should not try to have a lot of nice stuff...that my money could be helping other people instead. is there a line though? should you give and give till you have nothing or should you "take care of number 1" as well?

so that wasnt thoughts it was more questions. i do feel however that god created all of this for us to live joy filled lives. i know that this entails love and friendship and stuff like that, but recently i've been wondering if it doesnt include stuff as well. i mean what about modern conveniences...we can poop in a toilet and flush where-as they used to just dump it in the streets. we can take care of ourselves medically and with clean foods that wont give us random sicknesses. we can drive to see people daily instead of making the long trek to commune with friends only occasionally on our feet. whatever, you get the point. i think we all deserve this stuff. it definitely improves the quality of life, and probably helps us to interact more readily with things that we do treasure. what about not just useful stuff though. we can hear music on a pod or watch movies. well they make art, people's ideas, more readily accesible to us. thats good right? what about this computer? and the internet its connected to? is it good that you can read my thoughts? we can live in comfort more easily with stuff. granted it can get in the way and it can distract us from our true treasure but if we keep it in perspective are we ok? can i include having lots of nice things that make life easier into the list of possible good things god wants for us? will they aid us in having joy? maybe if we use them...not just have them and hoard them like treasure...but use them for what good they can be used for. it they help us understand those things which are our treasure more, help us get to know those things which are treasure more? maybe. maybe not. whatev.

poison ivy and mosquito's

hmm...well here's a little story for you all and lets not lie i've told it several times already today: i awoke this morning to a typical day. out of bed and to the shower. then as i started the journey downstairs for breakfast my hand burst into figurative flames with the most absurd itching craziness i've ever experienced. now...let me take you need a bit of background. the story begins with me having poison ivy on my hand...and in various other spots (just kind of dots here and there). this has been around for about a week (since i ridded the parents yard of vines and weeds and such last week). the particular bit of PI (poison ivy) that resides on the back of my hand was the first outbreak. not that i have much, but it started there and therefore it is the place where the itching had subsided. having lost its itch a few days back that particular patch of skin seemed to be returning to normal non-PI affectedness. you know how PI moves on to torment newer areas and leaves behind a portion of dry skin that will return to normal over the next week or so. so, clearly i was surprised to find this particular area of skin on the back of my hand once again agitated. so i turn my hand to see if there is a new outbreak or something to cause such a ruckus. what do i find? oh yeah a freaking mosquito bit me in the freaking middle of my freaking PI. are you freaking kidding me? since when were there FMO's(freaking mosquito's) in my freaking house and when did they begin targeting raised reddish patches of skin on the back of hands instead of legs and necks? needless to say the result was one of the most horrendous displays of itchery ever concocted. if you get the chance sometime in life NEVEr mix FMO's with FPI...all you get is a couple hours of PI itch times MO itch which somehow in the calculation is raised to the 5th or so...give or take two degrees of itchiness.

oh yeah the pic....not too exciting and a little blurred but it gives you the general location on the hand...its the lower bump...not the bit of PI above that.


sorry i've been so slow on the posting. my brain has not been on thought mode. does that make sense? i guess when i have stuff to get done, ie get a job or figure out where rent is coming from, my mind is not quite at ease enough to think of any profound comments to make. this is a sad state to be in because i love thinking about life and stuff and it means i havent had my eyes open to much of anything. for that i'm sorry because not only does it mean i've dropped the ball but it also means that i have nothing to share with you... other than the fact that i struggle. its funny. we say that we believe certain things. like i would say that i believe god provides. and yet i am to worried about rent to even think about the world he has put at my fingertips. i find it interesting how many of the things that we "believe", when push comes to shove.....well you know....we dont. what if. what if we believed what we said we did. can you imagine? what if i really believed through and through that my god would provide, that my god had my greatest joy in mind when he allowed trials to enter into life, that only a life of love would give the full life he wants us to live, and so get the picture. what if we really believed? i'll be working on it, let me know if you figure it out.

ps if i could see one would be to see what the church becomes when we really do believe these things with all of our being. it would be amazing. i get giddy and excited just thinking about how powerfull that belief would be. how liberating, freeing, energizing, etc, etc, etc. wow. i cant even imagine.