monday i start training for my job. i get to live in charlotte for two weeks because thats where the headquarters are for the portrait studio. they're putting us up in a really sweet extended stay hotel that from the pictures looks a lot like my apartment. i'm kind of excited about that. i am also very excited about doing something. anything really. i have wasted the past week of my life sitting around here on the computer/watching movies, which sounds nice but after a know that feeling in high school at the end of the summer when you're sitting there like "hmm, yep i've done everything i can think of to do...i really can't wait for school to start back so i can be on a schedule." that's where i am. it's been an amazing summer/beginning of fall but at this point i need to be on a schedule...oh yeah and making money because i don't have any (part of the reason i sit around the apt, because if i don't go out i won't have to pay for stuff). anyway, i am looking forward to some interesting times in the queen city.

let me just reiterate that the place we are staying is really awesome. not only does it look like my apt but we get lots of free meals, free internet(unheard of in todays hotels), free laundry, there's a freaking kitchen in the suites. i'm sure there's more, oh and don't have to pay for any of it. i'm so amused by the small things.