
sorry i've been so slow on the posting. my brain has not been on thought mode. does that make sense? i guess when i have stuff to get done, ie get a job or figure out where rent is coming from, my mind is not quite at ease enough to think of any profound comments to make. this is a sad state to be in because i love thinking about life and stuff and it means i havent had my eyes open to much of anything. for that i'm sorry because not only does it mean i've dropped the ball but it also means that i have nothing to share with you... other than the fact that i struggle. its funny. we say that we believe certain things. like i would say that i believe god provides. and yet i am to worried about rent to even think about the world he has put at my fingertips. i find it interesting how many of the things that we "believe", when push comes to shove.....well you know....we dont. what if. what if we believed what we said we did. can you imagine? what if i really believed through and through that my god would provide, that my god had my greatest joy in mind when he allowed trials to enter into life, that only a life of love would give the full life he wants us to live, and so get the picture. what if we really believed? i'll be working on it, let me know if you figure it out.

ps if i could see one would be to see what the church becomes when we really do believe these things with all of our being. it would be amazing. i get giddy and excited just thinking about how powerfull that belief would be. how liberating, freeing, energizing, etc, etc, etc. wow. i cant even imagine.