poison ivy and mosquito's

hmm...well here's a little story for you all and lets not lie i've told it several times already today: i awoke this morning to a typical day. out of bed and to the shower. then as i started the journey downstairs for breakfast my hand burst into figurative flames with the most absurd itching craziness i've ever experienced. now...let me take you back...you need a bit of background. the story begins with me having poison ivy on my hand...and in various other spots (just kind of dots here and there). this has been around for about a week (since i ridded the parents yard of vines and weeds and such last week). the particular bit of PI (poison ivy) that resides on the back of my hand was the first outbreak. not that i have much, but it started there and therefore it is the place where the itching had subsided. having lost its itch a few days back that particular patch of skin seemed to be returning to normal non-PI affectedness. you know how PI moves on to torment newer areas and leaves behind a portion of dry skin that will return to normal over the next week or so. so, clearly i was surprised to find this particular area of skin on the back of my hand once again agitated. so i turn my hand to see if there is a new outbreak or something to cause such a ruckus. what do i find? oh yeah a freaking mosquito bit me in the freaking middle of my freaking PI. are you freaking kidding me? since when were there FMO's(freaking mosquito's) in my freaking house and when did they begin targeting raised reddish patches of skin on the back of hands instead of legs and necks? needless to say the result was one of the most horrendous displays of itchery ever concocted. if you get the chance sometime in life NEVEr mix FMO's with FPI...all you get is a couple hours of PI itch times MO itch which somehow in the calculation is raised to the 5th or so...give or take two degrees of itchiness.

oh yeah the pic....not too exciting and a little blurred but it gives you the general location on the hand...its the lower bump...not the bit of PI above that.