note to self:
showers at night are the key to life.
note to everyone else:
look up the band phoenix on i-tunes. (long distance call to start. and then anything else. it's all good.)
Posted in: on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at at 6:47 PM 0 comments
showers at night are the key to life.
note to everyone else:
look up the band phoenix on i-tunes. (long distance call to start. and then anything else. it's all good.)
Posted in: on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at at 6:47 PM 0 comments
this weekend, though i had nothing planned at all beforehand, must go down as one of the best of the year. by weekend i mean to include friday and monday as well. what made this weekend so great, especially since monday was my only day off?? here goes:
thursday i got a call from mat and les who had randomly decided to make the trip to winston friday night. therefore friday night was funfilled with good friends, lots of raquetball, and yo-crunch for dinner. saturday, post work, i made the trip to verge in lieu of the church service i was to miss sunday morning. there i hung out with kyle and lorin and kim. also very fun. sunday i was let off early from work so that i could go to my roll class. so for the very first time i got in my new kayak and got wet. after 10 mintes in the water i was rolling and my instructor was very proud of me. two hours of rolling and playing with the kayak in the water ensued. this event by itself put the weekend on the charts but todays unexpected events put us at the top of them. after amusing away the morning on the guitar i got a call around 330. "what are you doing from 430 till...all night?" "nothing" want to go see the fray and mute math in charlotte?" "absolutely". saturday evening i learned of a concert. a fray concert which mute math was opening at. i said "huh that would be fun" to which my friends replied "its been sold out for a while". at which point i let it lie and didnt think about it anymore till this monday afternoon and this call. little did my friends of saturday night know that my other friend knows the bass player of the fray and gave him some tickets. one of which made it my way. so i spent all night in charlotte with good friends hanging out on the fray tour bus, eating dinner backstage, and generally enjoying a free concert by two really sweet bands. i think that about sums it up.
Posted in: on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at at 1:22 AM 1 comments
so, remember back like a month ago when my job was insane and i worked like 70 hours a week? right well now i am at work and i am writing this blog. and i read the taming of the shrew over the past two days. and now i'm reading jane austin. needless to say things are a bit different. my co workers sit around with their kids watching dvd's and hit squishy balls at one another with golf clubs. i'm thinking i might enjoy the next 8 months until that whole christmas thing happens again.
Posted in: on Thursday, January 18, 2007 at at 3:15 PM 0 comments
do you remember in jumanji when the animals and stuff start tearing through the house and city out of nowhere? well if there were a river and it suddenly apeared in the middle of our apartment...
Posted in: on Monday, January 15, 2007 at at 12:21 AM 0 comments
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