1 I will exalt you, my God and King,
      and praise your name forever and ever.
 2 I will praise you every day;
      yes, I will praise you forever.
 3 Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!
      No one can measure his greatness.

 4 Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts;
      let them proclaim your power.
 5 I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor
      and your wonderful miracles.
 6 Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue;
      I will proclaim your greatness.
 7 Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness;
      they will sing with joy about your righteousness.

i love verse four tucked neatly between verses of praise.  the writer of this psalm spent his days praising god...then it passed on to the next generation.  that generation passed it to the next generation, and they to their children, and so on for thousands of years, and now here i am...reading these words and praising god.  i can't get over that.  i feel as if i can join in with david dancing and singing in his throne room before god.  i have the feeling that god can take in the praise of his people from every generation as one choir throughout time singing a chorus of his goodness and love.

by the end of today

i posted a video from fiftypeopleonequestion.com a while back set in new orleans.  i was struck again today by the ending to the ny version.  all of these are great videos but the response that struck me was to the question, "what do you wish to happen by the end of today?"

"i wish that i began the day with a wish actually...so, maybe i'll wish for that tomorrow."

it was a great response, and makes me think.  what would happen if i began my days with a desire...with some sort of tangible direction?  what if, as i focused on it throughout my day, i became aware of the passing day?  what if i recognized the significance of merely being alive to be able to pursue the things i say that i believe in?

i'll compare this to another quote i heard, directed specifically at the stereotype that my generation is lazy:  "it's not that we're lazy, it's that we refuse to accept inefficiency in any area of our life."  this comes out of a work setting, and roughly paints a picture of a generation that gets the job done quickly and then is ready to move on.  either to other productive things, or moving on to wasting time.  i mean how often do you see real actual work happen on the office.  going back further, this is where the idea for office space came from.  some jobs, corporate or otherwise, give us enough "real work" to fill up a few efficient hours of the week.  we are left with the remainder to fill with fluff.

what happens when we refuse to fill a huge chunk of our week (life) with fluff?  is this something that a typical job setting can wrap it's head around?  no idea.  just thought i'd ask.  i work at a church and i work with youth.  so, it's already a different kind of job than most.  but, i am supposed to take rest and refuel.  i'm encouraged to pursue what i am passionate about, what i was created to do and love, so that i can better lead youth to do the same.  to live well, is part of doing my job well.  the past few week i have directed partially to cutting fluff.  i don't want to waste time, because that is wasting the investment that is being put into me via my salary.  i can cut fluff to create time for...well, a million other things that could be considered ministry.  but, that is my job.  on the other hand, a corporate office would only see a lazy 20 something.  because there you don't leave the office to go hang with kids, or spend time alone praying...on a mountain, or catch up with volunteer leaders by having lunch or throwing a frisbee, etc.  i really have it easy, but i wonder how many companies out there care about having healthy employees.  mentally, physically, spiritually.  or would give them the kind of freedom to live life with dreams.  hmm.  

i know this was two ideas poorly woven, but they seem to go together for me.  it's hard to deny that wanting to live purposefully can only gather steam if it can pass into all areas of life, even the measly 40 hours a week that is work.

"It’s the mundane that halts my creativity.  I would love a real space, my own space, where everything could be together and my energy could flow endlessly.  Is that every one’s dream?  I think this is a dream worth cultivating."


i don't know what is going on over at seeqpod but all the songs on my blog start playing when the page loads for some reason.  this is not intentional, nor has it ever been the case before this week.  so, i won't post any more until that gets fixed, but unfortunately i'm not going to take the time to clear all the posts with songs in them from past blogs.  if you have to scroll down to stop them, forgive me.  sorry for the inconvenience. 

the curious case of forrest gump

thanks a lot norris

last monday james made me watch chuck.  i already have two monday night shows in heroes and 24, but now i have 3...which brings the grand total on shows that i watch up to 5 when you add psych and scrubs.  now that you know my tv watching itinerary lets move on to what happened yesterday.  i caught up on the entire season of chuck (the 15 episodes pre mondays) via hulu.  there are only two occasions of me watching entire seasons of anything in one day before this.  the season of 24 that james and i did real time before our road trip.  and, the season of scrubs that i watched the day after i ran my marathon when i couldn't walk.  i kind of feel like i have wasted an entire day of my life...but i kind of loved it.

sufjan...meet rap.

some of your favorite sufjan tunes have mated with early 90's style rap to seamlessly bring you awesome music.  tor, a canadian producer is the cause of this meeting.  there are 7 songs, and they are free.  go listen.  your ears will thank you.

wwjd...excuse me while i word vomit.

let's start with the fact that i've been in church all my life and that on occasion i put some effort towards attempts at becoming a follower of jesus.  given these things,  i always hear that i'm supposed to be "like christ".  christians like this idea.  we love to tell each other that we are supposed to become like jesus.  i mean, (and i'm cringing already) who could forget that whole wwjd (originally: what would jesus do) thing.  we wore it.  as a slogan.  our lives were to be directed with the thought that what he would do...we were to do.

jesus said that we were not made for the law, but that the law was made for us.  summing up quickly and with a complete lack of thoroughness, we see that he, on occasion, ignored the letter of the law in order to follow the spirit that brought the law into being.  it is merely the skeleton in the body of right living.  or, better yet, it is the skin.  stealing from peter rollins for a second here, justice is the force behind our secular laws.  the laws are not justice but are the best interpretation of it we can devise.  they are the aftermath of justice and if we follow them then we can achieve the effects of justice.  but, the point is not the laws, it is to embrace and understand justice.  

where are we going?  i think we exist trying to follow the law most of the time.  we exist trying to achieve the results without understanding the spirit/heart that brings them about.  we act like christ without having a heart like his...but, that is obvious and you've seen it already.  i've got more.  like cs lewis said, if we follow the ray of light that is love and goodness in the world back to it's sun (source), we find god.

it's like that old rumor explaining why train tracks are the width they are:  a man sought to find out why the tracks of the railway were specifically 4 feet 8.5 inches.  he found that us tracks match british tracks.  so he inquired and found that british tracks were built at the width of tramways, which were build with the tools used to make wagons and therefore maintained the same width.  on he searched.  wagons were built at the width of pre-existing ruts in the roadways.  these tracks were created by roman chariots, which were just wide enough to allow for two horses between them.  and there you have it.

asking the "why", in this case leads to an understanding that there was nothing important about the width.  asking why, in the case of our laws, leads us to the discovery that it was never about the law.  if we follow the law back to it's source we find justice.  which is in fact important.

so, lets ask why on our main topic.  why do we act like jesus?  do we really think that we will become him...because, sometimes we ask that of one another.  we try to be him, thinking that the idea is just to do whatever he does.  i think that this misses the point though.  i think we were created to be ourselves.  we are instructed to act like him because that is the best description of ourselves that we have.  we are created in the image of god.  we are created to spill out love everywhere we go.  we are created to passionately pursue the things that bring us joy.  we were created to live deeply in community with one another and with god.  the things that he did, the ways that he loved, those are the things that we would be if we were our true selves.  the being like him will only truly, beyond the surface, come out of being ourselves.  not just putting on the skin of jesus, but becoming the body of who we are.

i know i completely skipped the idea that what good we do, is him in us...but that's for another time...and i like to think that i can keep both sides of that contradiction around.

up for a challenge?

can someone make me a mix tape(/cd/whatever is cool these days) full of songs that get me as pumped up as this one?

(edited: the song was: bloc party - like eating glass)

Snow Day (or It's Not That NC Doesn't Do Snow Well...It's That We Don't Do Snow At All)

for part two of the snow blogging we'll take a look at the day so far...and i'm really limiting my pictures here, just so you know.  (side note: the events in part one took place at like 1:30 in the morning)  ok part two:

mat and les go to the airport (7:30am):

the rav-4's locks freeze so we take their car.

"ice/snow on roads and bridges"...a rare w-s traffic update.

locks un-freeze, i get to the office (12noon):

empty parking lot...again, 12 noon.

what everyone else was missing out on in the kitchen at work.

the "we made it to work before lunch" club

ok taking a break from photo journaling my life for a few minutes.  i'm getting carried away.  it's just that snow makes everything that was boring yesterday seem really awesome today.


it's for real snowing in winston salem right now...i have proof (i stuck my camera in a plastic bag and shot blindly for 5-10 minutes...quite fun, if you get the chance):

exhibit a: white blurs flying by mat's face.
exhibit b: senator wants to chase a snowball.
c: senator really loves the snow...and catching snowballs.
d: man and dog.