slowing down
i read this tonight and it made me wish i were really an artist:
But being sick has its compensations: Bayou, books, and the otherwise alien idea that I am being productive by sleeping, lazy rest transformed by armchair medical theorizing into some sort of immunological exercise. Feel the burn.
let me 'splain. this is nothing more than a post to a blog. but in it are images, wit, and lexical craftsmanship beyond what i am capable of, if not at my best, then quite certainly at my day to day level. as i read i wondered to myself at the authors ability to enter such a place as his imaginary sinuses and come away with such a vivid image and at the way he captures the welcomed and infrequent acceptance sleep receives in the midst sickness. it is mostly for the former that i am envious. i feel that my mind, far from allowing creative spaces in which sinus cathedrals can blossom, tends to spin with some nebulous urge to rush ahead. as if there were so numerous a set of fresh thoughts queuing to fill my head that my mind ought not be bothered at allowing the current batch to ripen. where it comes from, and why i continuously follow this impulse, is beyond me, though i would like to sever whatever attachment i have to it. i feel it must be one of the most genuine impediments to my really ever producing worthwhile art of any sort.
Posted in: on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at at 11:23 PM