i went into borders today after picking up a kayak paddle from great outdoor and overheard a wonderful conversation. a couple sitting reading and a lady shopping for mad libs for little christmas gifts fell into conversation. i know not what caught my attention save the rush of fresh air that swept me when i heard their voices and the excitement in them. the excitement of speaking of something that broke from the stream of comercialized american culture in which this conversation and its participants swam. and when they bobbed out above the river i did too and i felt the same breeze against my face. i dont know how or why it started but when i happened upon them the topic was the mind and travel. ah yes, it started from a discussion on the environment in which one reads. the mad lib lady professed to being a bed reader while the lady of the couple opted for variety and atmosphere. variety in atmoshere widens her experience of life you see. and the environment of which she reads does the same. its a win win. she can travel to rome without even leaving the comforts of a local eatery. she can travel the world at the cost of picking up a book. this she claimed was the beauty of the mind. and mad libs thought this to be a very profound insight to which lady of the couple replied, "no he is the deep one. i am very simple. i think like a child. but simplicity can be deep too, i suppose. and so can children." children create in their minds they live beyond their own world, beyond the rome of lady of the couple. they create entirely new worlds. their minds grow from use and travel. and when they question their own world it is with the simple penetrating observations that we have missed in search of something that makes us sound profound or at the least quite learned. so tonight i will take my paddle, which i am borrowing from great outdoor until i get my own, and i will paddle my kayak through my apartment and down the greatest rapids my mind can fathom and when i tip over i will not drown nor even get wet. come spring when i get this thing out in the water we may have quite another story altogether. dream dreams. hope. travel (inside and out). expand your mind. love. question life. live life. and if you happen across either of those ladies in some other world, thank them for me.
Posted in: on Friday, December 15, 2006 at at 10:00 PM