he's southern?

ok...you know the southern accent that people slip into whenever they're trying to sound proper and respectful? i think its hilarious. because most of the time its completely unconscious. marissa did it today. she was on the phone in our office and was talking to an older lady. i just started to laugh. because she has about as much of an accent as i do. which is not much of one. but being from the south there is in fact an accent burried under all the linguistical habbits we have adopted over the years. and it comes out every once in a while. when we talk on the phone with old people. when we meet our friends parents. when we're in a job interview. basically whenever you want to present yourself as respectful and start picking words carefully you slow down to southern speaking speed and it just slips out. i love it.


  1. ok...yes i am replying to my own blog. only to illuminate a slight mishap. i really did laugh at this situation. and then i blogged about it. but i blogged about when people intentionally do the southern accent. to suck up to older folks or get out of speeding tickets. it works well in both cases but i hate it. as i didnt want to sound like a bitter blogger i rewrote the blog on the original amusement of unconscious southerness. but, i nonetheless remain bitter about the other. i just dont feel its worthy of the front page. please dont put on the fake southern accent to if its not an emergency. speeding tickets, ok. sucking up to parents, obnoxious. and never try it with your own parents. they know.