subject: useless but entertaining information!

my co-worker sent this to all the staff today:

"Useless, but entertaining! This Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That won't ever happen again. You may now return to your (normal?) life."

my initial thought is "cool". but then quite quickly after that i thought: "what about those of us who live outside of military time? wont there be a 01:02:03 in the afternoon. so maybe it will happen again...and not way in the future like when it happens in 3006 but like 12 hours later."
and then i thought, "not ever gonna happen again my a%$. it happens twice every thousand years...whats so cool about that?"

then james said, "kevin, you're an idiot. it happens every hundred years." and i thought, "damn, now its not cool at all. why is my co-worker filling my inbox with stupid junk mail. she is such a b(sorry to use offensive letters, but it carries my sarcasm best)."


  1. so, i'm replying to my own post...why? well the story continues. and i didnt want to make the first post too long. wait, dont stop reading...this is really funny. another co-worker, later in the day, who had apparently missed the first email sent this:

    "Tonight (actually Wednesday morning) at 3 seconds after 1:02 AM, there will be a very orderly time & date occurrence. It will be 01:02:03:04:05:06. This won't happen again for 100 years (the year 3006).
    How about that??"

    same thing right? 3006-2006=100. i'm no longer rank as "least likely to pass a math test" in the office now.
