
i was recently leaving winston-salem on I-40 headed east toward raleigh. there happens to be, as you head out of town, a stretch of that magnificent highway that is a bit dreary. a section of just gray; the road, the buildings, and on this overcast day even the sky, they were all gray. i began to sink into the bleakness of the scene and then something caught my eye. something seemed out of place somewhere but i wasnt sure. and then i saw them. a crate of oranges had fallen from a delivery truck and shattered on the median spilling its contents on the ground around it. they were glorious, bright, joyful. their fate was not to be eaten, to be enjoyed as oranges are typically destined to be. these oranges would only serve to brighten this dreary desolate road.

some of you may be tracking with me, if so good job getting into my head...but if not here you go:
i saw this road...this dreary strip of I-40 as life. haha yes pessimistic, and i know life isnt always like that but bear with me (there are ups and downs. but we all hit the gray stretch every once in a while. not all of I-40 is gross). but there were the oranges. i threw up a quick prayer that i would be like them. that my life would explode with joyful color on the side of this dreary road that others in passing might see something out of the corner of their eye that seemed out of the ordinary. something that stole their focus off of the dreary cold grayness and reminded them that that is not the only color in our world.

all of us oranges are destined to be peeled and eaten some day, all the juices and goodness inside let out. but until then lets endeavor not to be a part of the gray. be a splash of color on the "road of life".